Sunday, February 14, 2010

damn me!

I'm angry right now, to angry... you know why?! cause I'm so lazzzzzzzzzyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. I'm so sorry for myself... I want to write these feelings so that I'd know how lazy i was...
I've come to conclusion that why the situation of my country is like shit.... do you wanna know? cause most of people are lazy! they wanna just do something in the easiest way, without any thinking,without any effort... students just for grade, clerks for just spending their time and watching at their watch to go to their home as soon as possible, sellers to costumers, people to other people,etc. just like the way our government treats its people.... that's how my country works, and unfortunately I'm one of these people, these lazy people... how bad it is.... the problem is people themselves, i think each of us should change himself...we should change our culture...if this happens, I'm sure in that they we won't have any political,economic,human right and tons of other problems, I'm sure...

Sunday, January 24, 2010

My birthday!

Happy my birthday!
Life passes so fast, I just ended my 24th year of my life... I don't feel good about being older! anyway, that's how life is!

Thursday, December 24, 2009


araدانشجو ها برای ابراز خشم خود از ورود ریچارد نیکسون معاون رئیس جمهور آمریکا
تظاهرات کردند٬(اینارو الان تو روزنامه خوندم.جام جم.)دانشجویان دانشکده حقوق و
علوم سیاسی و دندانپزشکی و فنی در دانشکده های خود تظاهرات پرشوری علیه رژیم کودتا
بر پا کردند...(تظاهرات...تا حالا بلند خــــــــــــــــــدا رو صدا زدی؟رو پشت
بوم...)روز شد یه لکه ننگ رو دامن رژیم طاغوت.

نفسم بالا نمیاد.میگن دانشجو...از لفظش بغضم میگیره.آدمای نفهم خوشبخت ترین آدمای روی
کره زمینن.بدبخت ترین آدما اونایی هستند که می فهمن و مجبورن خودشونو به نفهمی
بزنن...(شنیدی ستاره و سعید و ... رو تعلیق کردن...)اینا الانم افتخار
دانشکده اند.اونایی که مردن چی شدن؟اسطوره...اسطوره های
۱۶ آذر ۳۳....اسطوره های ...می فهمی چی می خوام بگم؟؟

پیروز که فوت کرد فهمیدیم کنار محسن...روح...الامین خاکش کردند.چند وقته این بچه ش.هید
شده؟می دونی هنوز که هنوزه سنگ قبر نداره

می فهمی چی می گم لعنتی؟؟وقتی می گی دانشجو انگار فحشم می دی.وقتی تبریک می گی انگار
پاتو گذاشتی رو گلوم فشار میدی...لعنتی من دانشجو نیستم.من یه احمقم که می تونی با
یه گل رز و تبریک و یه ذره کیک و شیر خرم کنی...می تونی به بوت های عسلیم دم در
گیر بدی.چپ چپ نگام کنی تا کل تنم بلرزه...تا بفهمم داری با نگاه بیمارت میخوری
منو...فرش قرمزی که پهن کردی امروز برام رو نمی خوام.پارچه های سفید و قرمز تو
راهرو رو بردار منو باهاش همین وسط دار بزن...این طوری آروم ترم...خوشبخت ترم

امروزم کلاسای دانشگاه تهران تشکیل نشد.۱۷آذر۸۸...شعار می دادن:"بس.یجی
درو.غگو/کارت دانشجویی ات کو؟؟

راست می گی!من خرم


نویسنده : ای...

امروز که داشتم میرفتم فنی پایین، توی بولوار کشاورز (همونجایی که چند ماه پیش
یکی وسط روز روشن روی مردم اسلحه کشید...) دیدم چند تا اتوبوس وایسادن و
همینجوری آدمیه که دارن پیاده میشن ازشون، یه کم که به قیافشون دقت میکردی
معلوم بود که از در و دهات آوردنشون و شاید سیکل هم به زور داشته باشن! گر
و گر دارن پیاده میشن و از وصال میرن پایین با خودم گفتم خدایا اینا کجا
میرن دیگه؟! (نا خداگاه یاد 28 مرداد 32 افتادم، یهد شعبان بی مخ و دار و
دستش که ریختن تو خیابونا...) بعد که اومدم سمت دانشگاه دیدم بله! همه این
آقایون و یه سری فاطی کماندو به سمت دانشگاه رهسپارند! جلو دانشگاه هم
گارد ویژه، نمیدونم چرا وقتی از وسط این رد میشم دلم میریزه، قلبم تند
میزنه،یخ میکنم... آقایون عمله ببخشید دانشجو!!! وقتی از جلو گاردیا رد
میشن باهاشون سلام علیک میکنن! دم در دانشگاه از همه سفت و سخت کارت
دانشجویی میخوان اما این آقایون و خانومهای دانشجو با کمال خوشامد گوویی
داخل میشن! میرم تو، خدای من اینجا دانشگاست؟؟؟ مو به تنم سیخ میشه، دوست
دارم به تمام این مملکت فحش بکشم، درس بخون بدبختی بکش آخرش که چی؟؟ اینه
مملکتت؟ دوست دارم زار بزنم...دوست دارم حتی 1 دقیقه دیگه هم توی این
مملکت نباشم... میرم سمت فنی، دم مسجد به این دانشجوها پرچم و تجهیزات
میدن... جلو فنی جمع شدن و با مشتهای گره کرده سمت فنی و دانشجوها که
بیشترشون داخل دانشکده بودن شعار میدن...دقت میکنم تا بفهمم چی میگن، مرگ
بر منافق، مزدور، خاءن... بچه ها هم از داخل دانشکده جوابشون رو میدادن،
همه صداها قاطی شده بودن، همه شعارها قاطی شده بودم، مثل افکار من...
تحملش برام سخت بودم، اومدم به سمت بیرون، اما هنوز گله گله برادران
دانشجو!!! در حال ورود بودن....

پ.ن: به وضوح خاری و زبونی همه حک.ومت های دیک.تاتوری رو امروز حس کردم...

Monday, November 30, 2009


When you have something valuable you don't know what a great thing you have and probably you take it as a granted, when you are about loosing it you're feeling the gap...the empty space you're going to have in your life... Living a life is a difficult task to do...sometimes making decision is so hard...sometimes you wish all the world stops....I'm so confused,shocked....:(
P.S. hope everything goes well... hope is always alive, life goes on... we can be happy, we can...just be hopeful...

Sunday, August 2, 2009

no comment

I can't say anything,this picture has many things to say...

..................................before prison ................. after prison..............

Don't make a mistake, yeah he's a clergy man inside the Islamic republic, he was even the vice president in the Islamic republic...

P.S : you can read more about this issue here.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I'm kind of frustrated.i wonder how we Iranian people don't have primary rights of living.we study all the time,after graduation we seek for a job which is very hard to find then live a normal life without any excitement just a routine life. We don't have even primary rights of life, we can't wear whatever we like, afraid of moral police, we should buy out-dated cars with the same price of new cars in the world.we should get on the old planes and all the time scares of clashing! About 30000 people are killed on the roads each year due to the lack of safety in our cars and roads also lack of discipline in our driving.
Instead our government wants nuclear plants,wants to isolate our country and people for having Russian made nuclear plant!wants to rule all the world.wants to send all of his people to the heaven.the only thing that's not worth to my government is its people life. we cant state our opinion clearly and peacefully afraid of tear gas and batons. Our voting system is a kind of joke! Democracy means nothing in my country!everyone has to pretend,has to put mask to live his life,the Iranian passport is worth less than a piece of paper! everyone on the world see us in kind of insulting manner...
I'm tired of this situations,tired of all of these masks.i want a little free air to breath... I want to live like other people in the world, I want to live in this world,today world not in hundred years ago.if i work hard somewhere if i study i want to be sure of my future,i want to be sure that i can have fun, I want to say whatever I want without any fear, I want to be myself...
I'm sorry for my country,my people and myself...

Thursday, June 18, 2009

The little prince

Let's forget about politics for a moment! I wonder how come I hadn't read 'The little price' by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry so far! but when I read it during these days, It was so fascinating, it's like that kind of books you can't stop reading them, and it is worth reading many times, definitely it's one of the best books I've ever read in my entire life!

I love these parts:

"Nothing's perfect," sighed the fox. "My life is monotonous. I hunt chickens; people hunt me. All chickens are just alike, and all men are just alike. So I'm rather bored. But if you tame me, my life will be filled with sunshine. I'll know the sound of footsteps that will be different from all the rest. Other footsteps send me back underground. Yours will call me out of my burrow like music. And then, look! You see the wheat fields over there? I don't eat bread. For me, wheat is no use whatever. Wheat fields say nothing to me. Which is sad. But you have hair the color of gold. So it will be wonderful, once you've tamed me! The wheat, which is golden, will remind me of you. And I'll love the sound of the wind in the wheat..."

"You're lovely, but you're empty," he went on. "One couldn't die for you. Of course an ordinary passerby would think my rose looked just like you. But my rose, all on her own, is more important than you altogether, since she's the one I've watered. Since she's the one I put under glass. Since she's the one I sheltered behind a screen. Since she's the one for whom I killed the caterpillars (except for two or three for butterflies). Since she's the one I listened to when she complained, or when she boasted, or even sometimes when she said nothing at all. Since she's my rose."

"One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes."