Tuesday, December 30, 2008


It’s so much shame that on these days, the Christmas days and beginning of the New Year, in a place on our world some people are being killed savagely just because of one guilt, just because they’ve born on that place. And the darker side of this story is almost no one on the world cares about them! I wonder how people talk about human rights, can’t you see this holocaust?!!! Another dark side of this story is because Iran’s government and broadcast support Hamas and Gaza’s people strongly, many Iranian’s people and bloggers don’t like to talk about this issue, but it’s not about politics and politicians! It’s about humans, just like me and you, who are being killed in Gaza strip just like mosquitoes these days! The air is so heavy to breath, I wanna shout! I wanna cry for all of these discriminations

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All these days I wondered why I can't braeth as always! Now I see. yOU ARE RIGHT! The air is so heavy to breath. Even the air can not stand the weight of these crimes...