Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A historical momment

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Finally Done!
Right now when i woke up and heard this news,this historical news and I'm listening to Obama's speech in Chicago,it brought tears in my eyes,not only because i like this guy but also because i hate racism,i hate war and...I'm so happy that American people made it happen!
We can now be hopeful that the world will be better place to live and less blood will be shed.
It's great that apparently the most important man on the earth is black now.It's practically the end of racism era.
I wish Malcolm X,Martin Luther King and all great people that fought for the black rights were alive now and they would see this historical triumph.
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Anonymous said...

Well, a nicer place? I hope, segun deice tu ultima post! :D

Anonymous said...

Actually, from the anti-racism point of view, it's quite a nice advancement of Americans to elect a black person as their president. And I think all of us should try our best to make this anti-racism movement worldwide.