Sunday, November 2, 2008


Few weeks ago i was sort of frustrated!honestly i had lost my hopes to many things including studying! but now it's been changed,I've found life so vivacious.what you give out,you'll get it back! believe me it's totally true! i can study well now,I'm full of hopes and goals now.I'm gonna believe that "Impossible is nothing!",just change your view!
be ghole Sohrab: Cheshmha ra bayad shost...
but me myself sometimes totally forget these terms...hope not to forget them anymore!

An optimist may see a light where there is none, but why must the pessimist always run to blow it out?
Rene Descartes


Anonymous said...

Hi, Hope: what a nice word! Let's see what this dancer says!!! :D

Saleh said...

I read that was amazing! i absolutely agree with that guy!